Tuesday 4 March 2014

Blog of the Dead - Life First 5 Star Review

The first Amazon review for Blog of the Dead - Life is in and it's 5 Stars!

"As soon as i started i couldnt put it down. As soon as you have started reading you are back in the zombie infested dystopian world i came to love from the first book, blog of the dead. The characters feel more developed and you learn a bit more of their backstories. This funny, bloody, touching and surprising novel will keep you guessing what happens next, with twists and turns you won't see coming.
I whole heartedly hope book three is on its way soon. I would recommend to anyone who enjoys zombies and the perils that come with that world. Fantastic read ! 5 stars :)"

It's great to get feedback from readers and I always appreciate it when people take the time to write a review, so thank you Stevej105! To read the review on Amazon click here.

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